I feel the need to apologize for not posting regularly on adventures and such.  I’ve travelled to Prague and to Munich.  I’ve met a hundred new people, and gathered long-winded One Month Reflections on my time here.  So it’s not for lack of material that I’ve kept to myself.

The difference might be that, now that I feel more settled, my new goal is to lead a boring life.  I want to find “normal” and bask in it.  I want to pretend that my life here is “ordinary” even if it continues to astound me in small and large ways.  While it is fun and exciting, Oktoberfest doesn’t seem nearly as significant to my life as grocery shopping does.  When my ambitions have become “really great grocery-shopping skills”, I start to wonder if that’s worth a blog post.

But I’ve decided to write them anyway!  So before I forge ahead to more posts full of unabashed enthusiasm for mundane life details, here’s a quick snapshot of today.

Today was beautiful.

Noon bells ring on and on through autumn clarity, while pigeons swoop over chapel towers, looking for a comfortable corner to enjoy the sounds.  I think that in some secret layer of metaphysics, overtones and angels are actually the same.  And the angels were everywhere.  Today the sky and trees and air were all busy saying yes yes yes to each other and themselves.  Not a single piece of today was Maybe.  There might be ladybugs in my hair, there might be grass between my toes, and I already know I’m going to sleep well.

Today I cooked adventures and made enough to share.  Today I ran with joy through fields and trees and windfuls of sunshine.  Today I talked to friends and strangers.  I sang my heart out, sang like I haven’t sung in months, and the overtones are still ringing behind me.

There was chocolate and wine today, Mexican food and Czech company.  There were memories and dreams today, with plenty of right-now in between them.  Today a colleague gave me a basket full of apples, today my flowers got to soak up sunshine for hours.  The windows were all the way open.  I read a good book.  I told jokes.  I made plans.

Today my life was simple.  It was full of lovely things.  Today I didn’t miss excitement or ambitions; when standing still is this breathtaking it seems foolish to peer around corners just because they’re there.  The sun belongs to me today, and I don’t need anyone to tell me who I am.


One Comment

  1. Thank you, Marissa, this post has me soaring up above clouds, heart-singing with overtone-angels with you (an idea which has occurred to me many times before, by the way…I think you’re right!)