Chipmunks are widely recognized among Czech teens as “the Hollywood animal.”
Nowhere to be found in the Czech Republic, and too ubiquitous in America to acquire much zoological or cultural significance, their only blitz onto the international scene has been through striking cinematic performances. One never sees a film chipmunk casually munching acorns in a park, no, the chipmunks of Hollywood have ambitions. They have aspirations. They expect attention.
So in class examples or student writing, it is understood that any chipmunk, no matter how humble its beginnings, can achieve fame and stardom in the big city if it works hard and believes in itself.
Because that, my friends, is the Chipmerican Dream.
Dear Marissa,
I just located all of this, thanks to Sandy who was leaving . We simply did not know when you were coming back,etc.. Sandy told me that you are on your way back NOW.
Anyway, we’d love to see you and hear you recount some of this person-to-person.
Wow! What an experience! Please come visit. We have plenty of room and food and conversation for you. We’ll be here most of the time until very late August and first
2 1/2 weeks of August.
Your materials here further witness to your amazing abilities–intellectual, artistic, poetic, introspective, and social.
Love and Peace!
Ron (and Margo)
PS: Hope you got our Xmas letter which I may have sent to your home.